Tech Q & A

Hello every one.This is my first post of this series.Through this series I am going to discuss common technology related question people face in day to day life and solutions for them.So if you have any questions feel free to comment them in comment section.I will post related solution in future posts.So without further discussions let us head onto questions and solutions. 1 .Why pictures taken from mobile phone look low in quality when comparing with a picture taken from a digital camera with same number of megapixels? The first thing you need to know is number of megapixels is not the only thing matter to the quality of your picture The quality of the picture depends on sensor,image processor,quality of the lens used etc. Megapixels matters only to the size(length and wide) of the picture. Phone manufactures do not use better quality lenses and sensor since they have to control the price of the phone. 2 .How to delete data on a computer before selling it? If ...