Far Cry 5

This is a good news for the Far Cry lovers.New Far Cry game will be released on 27 st of February 2018.This is also developed by Ubisoft as a first person open world shooting game. The Story The story takes place in Montana,an are famous for National Parks and Rocky Mountains.The Official Gameplay reveals some locations, such as a quiet town, a football field, lush forests, mountains and lakes.And also some activities like fishing and hunting. Characters Main Protagonist is The Junior Deputy.According to the news this character is fully customizable. This character works as the Sheriff's Deputy. Joseph Seed is the main enemy of the story.He is the founder of Religous Based Orgenization "Project at Eden's Gate" in Hope Country. Faith Seed,John Seed and Jacob Seed are the siblings of Joseph Seed,the Preacher and the Leader of "Project at Eden's Gate" The other characters you would find are ...