One of the Vehicles Caught Attention At New York Auto Show - Nissan Altima 2019

"The Most Advanced Sedan Nissan Ever Created" - Denis Le Vot ,Chairman,Nissan North America INC Hello and welcome to D Guides.I am writing a blog post related to 'Automobile News' after a long time.This vehicle caught my eyes while I was surfing internet today morning.This is about new Nissan Altima.The design is pretty eye catching and looks classy.Nissan Altima 2019 is the sixth generation of the series.The category which this vehicle include is "Midsize Sedan".The most important fact is this is a All Wheel Drive (AWD) sedan and this is the first time U.S. spec Nissan provides All-Wheel Drive.Let us dive more into Nissan Altima. First of all what is AWD or All - Wheel Drive means ?I am not a professional to describe about AWD.So I decided to put a link below for who want to learn more about AWD. Currently only Subaru and Ford offer AWD to midsize s...