
Showing posts with the label d guides

Deep Dive Into Azure Global Infrastructure

Have you ever wonder when you deploy an app into cloud how exactly it is hosted in cloud? Or maybe is it safe to host an app in cloud and how they maintain high availability?This post will clear  all your doubts  and free your mind. What is a Datacenter? Inside of a Datacenter Azure Datacenter is the smallest node or the exact physical location where our resources reside.But datacenters are not exposed to end users.These datacenters act exactly as the on premises servers.But since these datacenters are cloud datacenters you have extra capabilities which will help you grow with the customer base (Scale Up) or vice versa (Scale Down) for a lower cost than creating and maintaining own servers. Curious about Azure Regions ? Azure has more Regions than any other cloud provider.If you want the exact numbers there are 58 global regions and a region is a set of datacenters inside a latency defined perimeter.Most of the time we deal with these region when we deploy re

Useful Tools For React Developers

Welcome back to D Guides folks.This post is valuable for newbies for react development.I am sharing about few tools you can use when developing react applications.It is important leaning tools like these same as understanding a framework like React.These tools will help us to maintain high code quality. 1. Prettier Prettier is a tool which will format the code consistently according to the standards.First step to do is install prettier as a developer dependency.Why developer dependency is the next question hops into your mind.We don't need to have prettier as a dependency when we are deploying the application so that is why it is installed as a developer dependency.Then we need to install prettier plugin for vs code.VS Code is my first choice when doing web development.Then we are changing two things in preferences.First thing is enabling format on save.Other option we are enabling is require config.By that we ensure that prettier will run only on the projects prettier h

Elasticsearch or MongoDB : Which one is better?

Welcome back to D Guides folks.I am breaking the radio silence after several months and I am hoping to update my 'Programming Guides' section on a weekly basis.Today I am sharing about an interesting topic but at first glance it may look like a monster.But it is not.Do you know what is 'Elasticserach'?Elasticsearch is a document oriented database which will store data in JSON document form.Basically it is a search index or a search engine.As the word 'Elasticsearch' implies this concept is to analyse and search your data in real time.The link below will take you to the official documentation of Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch Official Documentation There is another thing called 'ELK' stack which is the acronym for three open source projects:  Elasticsearch , Logstash and Kibana . As I mentioned earlier Elasticsearch will help you to store,analyse and search data in real time. Kibana is a platform to visualise data you feed in to Elasticsear

Reflected XSS Exploitation in DVWA : A Beginners' Guide

Welcome back to D Guides.I am Sadeepa Gayashan and I am the newly joined contributor of D Guides.I will share my knowledge on cyber security through Cyber Guides of this blog.Today I am going to share with you how steal session cookies.Most web applications maintain a user session to identify the user across multiple HTTP requests. Sessions are identified by session cookie.After a successful login server will send you a session cookie by the Set-Cookie   header.We can steal the session cookie by calling document.cookie . For demo purposes, we will use the DVWA Application. First, we need to run DVWA as a server in localhost or in VirtualBox in our web browser.Now login with Username: admin, Password: password.  this is the interface of the web application.Once logged in, we want to navigate to the DVWA Security tab, select the security level in the drop-down box, and hit Submit 1. Set security low Then we need to find ou

What Happened At Apple Launch Event 2019?

Welcome back to D Guides. I decided to educate you about new releases and updates of mobile phone manufacturing giant 'Apple' since yesterday they held their launch event for the year 2019. If you are a regular visitor of my blog you can remember that I have written a post about the event took place in 2018 as well. If you have not read it, read it by the link given below. Enough beating around the bush. Let's go straight into serious business. What exactly happened in the event? If you are a die-hard fan of Apple products as some of my friends ; ) you have definitely watched the whole event live. If you want to watch the event please visit the official youtube channel of Apple. The  event took place on 10th September 2019 at Steve Jobs Theater. I started writing this post right before they start the live streaming the event. Apple Arcade They first introduced the new Apple

Getting Started With Electron : A Beginners' Guide

Welcome back, folks. After several hectic months, I found some time to write a blog post. I have to apologize for not updating my blog for a long time. Today I am going to write the first post of my new section 'Programming Guides'.This post is about 'Electron' and after reading this you can start building cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I will cover the beginners' guide in the following steps. Introduction to Electron The architecture of Electron Applications Setting up the environment Future plans  Electron JS first released in January 2013 and it was initially known as Atom Shell. The name Electron was given in April 2015. Electron is an open-source framework developed and maintained by GitHub which can be used to build cross-platform desktop application using web technologies. You may wonder after reading my next sentence. Notable software we use in our day to day lives such as Atom, GitHub Desktop, Visual Studio Code

OnePlus Has Released A Device Worth For The Price

Welcome back, folks. A few hours ago new OnePlus 7 pro got launched during the official launch events held in New York and London. If you are a regular D Guides reader you know that I am a huge OnePlus fan. There were some rumors spreading around about the design before the official release. When I saw the front-facing camera is similar like Oppo F11 pro I was a little bit worried. But after the release event, that camera module was one of the most amazing facts I fell in love. You will see it in the next few minutes. As usual, let us start with the design. It has a seamless glass to its 6.67 inches fluid AMOLED display. The phone comes in three different colours which are different from the last time. Mirror Grey Nebula Blue Almond OnePlus 7 Pro weighs around 206 grams and both sides have 3D Corning Gorilla Glass. The device has a premium look like previous OnePlus devices. The 48MP rear camera has a three lens setup. The ultra wide lens will help