A Great Game To Try With Your Best Friend Or Brother - A Way Out

First of all Hello everyone and welcome to 'New Games' section.You might be surprised about the post title.No worries,I will explain everything.A Way Out is a upcoming game to be released on 23rd of March 2018.This game is created by the creators of "Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons" and will be published by Electronic Arts - "EA".Creators and Publisher have not released much details about the game.But the facts they have leaked are enough to draw attention of the Gamers towards 'A Way Out'. There are two main characters in the plot.'Leo' and 'Vincent' are the names of those characters.One of the few things we know about 'A Way Out' is a part of the plot.The story sets in 1970s. These two work together to break out from a prison and they survive together in outside too. Leo and Vincent This is the best fact you all should know and what is related to my topic of this post.you can play this game either online...