C Programming From A to Z - 1

Hello D Guides readers.Today I am going to start a new main section called 'Programming Guides' in my blog.So the basic idea of starting is helping who start self studying programming.This first post is based on printf statements of C language.C language is the one of the high level programming languages and the best to understand the basics in programming.I will explain the main parts of a c programme using following source code. //Hello World Programme #include <stdio.h> int main (void) { printf ("Hello World\n"); printf ("Welcome To D Guides\n"); return 0; } You may wonder what is this at first sight.Do not worry you will have a complete understanding before the end of this post. //Hello World Programme - This is known as a comment.There are two methods to add comments to your programme.To put a single line comment you have to put "//" at the start of your line.To comment multiple lines you have to put ...