Upcoming Payment Network Based On Trust - Initiative Q

Today I am going to share about a new payment network called 'Initiative Q'.This new model is based on trust.User can join this network only after receiving an invitation.I got the invitation through a friend of mine.This is the timeline proposed by their official team. These days the network is growing fast and they offer free q for completing tasks.If this payment network reach it's ultimate goal your one q will be equal to one dollar.There is no any risk since you are not providing any payment related details when registering.As you all know first bitcoin was also distributed free of charge with pizza orders.But this is not a cryptocurrency.Therefore there is no any risk of banning.All of us should help this network designed by Ex-Paypal people to success in 2021.There is no any harm in trying something like this and you will be happy if this will become a reality in 2021. You may wonder why they are registering people before actually releasing the ...