Tech Q & A

Hello every one.This is my first post of this series.Through this series I am going to discuss common technology related question people face in day to day life and solutions for them.So if you have any questions feel free to comment them in comment section.I will post related solution in future posts.So without further discussions let us head onto questions and solutions.

1.Why pictures taken from mobile phone look low in quality when comparing with a picture taken from a digital camera with same number of megapixels?

  • The first thing you need to know is number of megapixels is not the only thing matter to the quality of your picture
  • The quality of the picture depends on sensor,image processor,quality of the lens used etc.
  • Megapixels matters only to the size(length and wide) of the picture.
  • Phone manufactures do not use better quality lenses and sensor since they have to control the price of the phone.

2.How to delete data on a computer before selling it?
  • If you format your  computer before selling the computer,it is possible recovering all the data.So there is a risk for your personal data.
  • Here is what you have to do.You have to download or purchase a 'Disk Wipe' software and start the software and wipe of your computer.Here is the link for a free 'Disk Wipe' software.

3.What are the device matter to the speed of a computer network?
  • Speed of a computer network depends on the speed of  following devices.
  1. Network Card
  2. Network Switch
  3. Cables
  • So if you want to create a network with a speed of 1000Mbps you have to use above devices which are supported to a speed of 1000Mbps.
  • If you use one computer which has a Network Card support only upto 100Mbps you the speed of your network will be 100Mbps only in that computers.In other computers speed will be same as the speed of your network(1000Mbps).
4.Why the speed of my computer didn't change after installing another RAM?

  • When installing a new RAM it's not only the capacity matters to the speed.
  • You have to focus about both capacity and data transferring speed of RAM.
  • To get the maximum usage you have to match the data transferring speed of new RAM with the old one.
  • If the speeds are similar try reinstalling operating system.
5.Why I  hear sounds from laptop speakers after connecting my laptop to a TV using HDMI cable?
  • Here is the reason.You have selected lapto speakers as playback device.
  • To change it you have to right click the speaker icon next to the time of your laptop in taskbar and click 'Playback devicec'.
  • After opening sound box select 'playback' tab.Then select 'Digital Output Device' or HDMI and click 'Set Default' button.
  • If this does not resolve your problerm,there must be a problem with your HDMI cable.So you can try a different HDMI cable.

Thank you for visiting my blog.Hope this series will help everyone.So if you need any solutions for your question comment them or send an E-mail to


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