No More Wallets.Here Comes OraSaifu

I am writing a blog post after several months as I could not find time to surf through internet and write a blog post about cool stuff related to technology.But today I found something which is cool and will become the next big thing in payments related technologies.As you all know the security is one of the main issues in online transactions.Now most of people are using online payment methods due to their busy life style.In Sri Lanka where I live ,there is a high risk of loosing your wallet when using public transport.And also it is possible to steal your credit card info even the card is in your wallet.This product OraSaifu, will be a great solution for those matters.

This device is a small device with a a 4.13 inch sapphire LCD screen look like a card.Screen ratio is 83.87% and the thickness is only 0.1 inch.This small beast can hold all your assert details as well as the cryptocurrency details.They guarantee 100% protection of your details as they do not use internet to transfer data.They use NFC(Near Field Communication) and QR codes to transfer data.According to the official website the battery life would be 7 days and it is enabled with Type C fast charging.You may wonder what will happen if it was stolen.What I can say is do not worry.Device's anti theft protection will erase whole device after 5 password fail attempts.

But this can be taken as a multi functional wallet as it provide some cool features other than replacing your ordinary wallet.OraSaifu can act as a cold wallet to all your cryptos.It can be used as the key to unlock doors and to store membership cards and business cards.As this is a digital product you guys may worry about the data recovery process.That is where BiPal comes into action.It is a NFC enabled backup chip set for OraSaifu.

OraSaifu is a company formed by scientists and developers specialized in blockchain and digital security.Company was found in Japan in 2016.You can read more about OraSaifu by visiting their official website.

Hope you enjoyed time in D Guides.This is a project where it needs the help of public to spread around the world.Let's help them by sharing about this project.If you are new here  subscribe and get our new posts directly into your email.I am hoping to start a separate section for people who are keen to learn programming basics.Comment your ideas in the comment section below and share knowledge among your friends.Be safe until we meet again.


OraSaifu. (2019). All in One Smart Hardware Wallet. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Apr. 2019].


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