LavaLoon Attack Guide For COC

LavaLoon attacks are very popular amoung TH 9,10 & 11 COC players.Basically in these attacks are 
done by using lava hounds and balloons.There are few derivatives in lavaloon attacks.This is my favourite type of attack these days.Let's move on to the derivatives.


  • Army- 3 Lava hounds,5 minions,1 dragon,balloons for the rest
  • Clan Castle- Level up Lava hound
  • Spells-4 Rage Spells & 2 Haste Spells
This is the type I use mostly.Here is the Step by Step guide.

  1. Take out CC troupes and kill them using Archer Queen and Dragon
  2. Then put few balloons and release two lava hounds to one air defence and release other two lava hounds.
  3. Put all balloons as soon as possible and use range spells when balloons are near air defences.
  4. Release Barbarian king.
  5. If there are any buildings  left in corners use minions. 

  • Army- 3 Lava hounds,5 minions,1 dragon,balloons for the rest
  • Clan Castle- Level up Lava hound
  • Spells-4 Lightning Spells & 2 Earthquake Spells

If you want to release some stress in the beginning this is the best method.Followings are the steps.

  1.  Take out CC troupes and kill them using Archer Queen and Dragon
  2.  Put 2 lightning spells and 1 earthquake spell  on air defence.(This will destroy one air deffence)
  3. Then put few balloons and release two lava hounds to one air defence and release other two lava hounds towards other air defence.
  4. Put all balloons as soon as possible.
  5. Release Barbarian king.
  6. If there are any buildings  left in corners use minions. 
Here are some extra tips on LavaLoon attacks.

  • If archer queen is outside the walls,kill her first
  • If  X-bows are for Air Troupes you should be extra careful.
  • If you want you can use hog riders/golem instead of one Lava Hound.
Here is a  good video from youtube to get a clear image on lavaloon attacks.If you have any extra tips and strategies please comment them. 


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