Elasticsearch or MongoDB : Which one is better?

Welcome back to D Guides folks.I am breaking the radio silence after several months and I am hoping to update my 'Programming Guides' section on a weekly basis.Today I am sharing about an interesting topic but at first glance it may look like a monster.But it is not.Do you know what is 'Elasticserach'?Elasticsearch is a document oriented database which will store data in JSON document form.Basically it is a search index or a search engine.As the word 'Elasticsearch' implies this concept is to analyse and search your data in real time.The link below will take you to the official documentation of Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch Official Documentation There is another thing called 'ELK' stack which is the acronym for three open source projects: Elasticsearch , Logstash and Kibana . As I mentioned earlier Elasticsearch will help you to store,analyse and search data in real time. Kibana is a platform to visualise data you feed in to Elasticsear...